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Blog Posts
- 5 of the Biggest Luxury Lighting Trends of 2023 So Far!
- We're Moving!
- The World’s Most Iconic Chandeliers
- How to create your own luxury hotel getaway at home
- 5 Ways to Illuminate Your Home with Pantone's Colour of the Year 2021
- How to create the perfect setting at home with these top 5 lighting tips
- Shine efficiently: Our guide to choosing energy efficient lighting designs
- Ceilings with a story: The history of the chandelier
- Choosing the best staircase chandelier for your hotel
- Transform your room using a statement chandelier
- Win £500 towards an Illuminati chandelier
- Choosing the right bulb for your crystal chandelier
- Summer socialising: Hosting garden gatherings in style
- 10 most luxurious modern chandelier trends
- Chandelier Cheat Sheet: How to choose the right size
- Effective Lighting Design For Your Home [Scotsman Article]
- 7 Useful Tips to Consider When Buying a Chandelier